
This page describes a few practical ways to setup the necessary computing resources needed for Secout on different hardware / platforms.

By design, Secout utilizes the distributed platform provided by Dask. You could deploy Dask on your local machine or on a distributed cluster.

Deploy on Local Machine

It is quite easy to use Dask on local machine.

from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client() # start a new client that uses local client

The detailed documentation for Dask client could be found here

Deploy on Distributed cluster

Here we are showing a way of deploying a Dask cluster with 1 scheduler node, 3 worker node, and 1 jupyter notebook node on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). We use the Active Cloud Shell provided in the GCP Console Workspace.

  1. Start a Kubernetes Cluster from Kubernetes Engine. Tweak the options if you want.

    • Use the graphical interface provided of GCP Kubenetes Engine

    • Use the gcloud command-line tool.
      gcloud container clusters create MY_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER \
        --enable-cloud-logging \
        --enable-cloud-monitoring \
        --subnetwork default
        --num-nodes 5

    You must also obtain the credentials to the cluster you just created.

    # obtain the cluster credentials so that you could operate with kubectl and helm
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials MY_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER
  2. Setting up helm with your cluster.

    # add a service account within a namespace to segregate tiller
    kubectl --namespace kube-system create sa tiller
    # create a cluster role binding for tiller
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller \
        --clusterrole cluster-admin \
    echo "initialize helm"
    # initialized helm within the tiller service account
    helm init --service-account tiller
    # updates the repos for Helm repo integration
    helm repo update
  3. Install dask using helm.

    You could install at default setting by

    helm install stable/dask

    This will create a dask compute cluster that contains 1 scheduler, 3 worker, and 1 jupyter notebook.